Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Slow pace of life in france

Elizabeth went to a friends 6th birthday party today. She's been to a few now and the general form seems to be about 3 hours long, about 6 to 10 children, a bit of cake, a few party games, a long walk round the village then picked up by Caroline. No party bags, no magician/clown/entertainer, no hired village halls with 20/30 kids, no parties planned months in advance (we got the invite on Monday), no big deal. It's makes a refreshing, and pleasant, change for people to be happy with simple entertainment. It's most agreeable.

Often things happen over here that makes me think that this part of France is very much England, but 20 years ago. Various things like - doctors you can see the same day, shops closing at lunch and ALL day Sunday, no traffic jams, people having the time to say hello and help out, family Sundays not at the garden centre or DIY store, village fetes, ...

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