Sunday, June 20, 2004

School show

Fête des Pères

Father's day, and the children's school show. Well to be technically correct the children's schools show because they both go to different village schools. In order to keep the village schools open the school in Les Champs Geraux shares classes with the school in the neighbouring village Plesder. The children are bussed back and forth at the end of each day. It keeps two schools open with half the number of teachers.

The school show, therefore, is both schools performing together with each class performing short songs, dances and sketches. Elizabeth and her class did some dances and Hugh was meant to be an acrobat in a circus, but got stage fright. I tried to take a few photos but the I failed to get a decent shot because the light levels were too low and/or the kids moved too fast and where blurred. I never had much luck with digital cameras, I only seem to get a decent shot outside and with a static subject.

PotatoesFirst crop of Caroline's home grown potatoes harvested and eaten for Sunday roast.

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