Friday, July 09, 2004

MRSA Superbug

After my recent trip in a French hospital I 'phoned a relative in the UK to give them a progress report (they don't blog) and they told me about that two different friends went into different hospitals and caught the MRSA Superbug. Both were due to stay for a few days and ended up staying for weeks after catching MRSA.

This isn't the first people I've know of first hand. Caroline's friend and a friend of her Mother's also caught the bug. By the sounds of things everyone was lucky to survive. Reports on the web, MRSA superbug has done this to me and MRSA superbug hits more children show that's it a very serious threat and increasing alarmingly. It's not something that seems to have hit the media over her in France.

It may be just a matter of cleanliness. Both of my trips into a French hospital required that I showered all over with a anti-bacterial wash (the yellow iodine-like stuff you see surgeons use on TV) before being admitted. On the several times I been into hospital in the UK I wasn't even asked to wash my hands, let alone surgically scrub up.

Fortunately the MRSA genome has been decoded which should provide science with the breakthrough it needs so people don't need to wash any more.

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