Thursday, July 22, 2004

Moles in Brittany

Brittany has a real problem with moles. We've had a bout of showers over the last two weeks and the moles must have multiplied 10 fold. There are mole hills everywhere, I reckon about 50 hills scattered around. In the past I have just scattered the tops of the hills so as not to kill the grass, but now they are getting to be a real pest and damaging the lawns and flower beds. To my untrained pest control eye, I think there must be about 5 colonies, each occupying their own area. One of the guests staying in the gites is helping with the mole hunt by mapping out the hills and then guessing where the tunnels run. I've lent him a spade and he is often out there just standing, waiting, spade poised. No luck as yet.

This afternoon I dug down between two active mole hills and located the tunnel and placed a Duffus tunnel type trap (one I bought in England and never used) in the run. Fingers crosssed. I have had limited success with gassing and poison worms so I hope I have more luck with the trap. Mike, (our guest), is determined to catch one mano-a-mano.

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