Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Good weather, good food

Lovley sunny weather today, so we all went into Cancale for lunch at down at the port by the oyster beds. Suprise, suprise, but all the resturants served Oysters, lobsters, mussels and specialised in seafood. If you like seafood, I would recommend it, as there is lots of choice. We ate at 'La Mere Champlain' which was very good.

Afterwards we all went to the beach with me still reading The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. I've only read a few chapters, but it seems to be OK so far and is an easy read with some funny bits.

Mother goose and two muscovy ducklings Both ducklings alive and well. One is mostly black with some yellow stripes, and the other mostly yellow with some black. They have both been sitting on Lucy's back. Caroline is the only person allowed near Lucy. She can handle the ducklings, but anyone else gets hissed at and generally warned off.

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